What an awful way to spent your winter. That is what we at Body Glove headquarters in Europe thought when Ruben Versluis came to collect his pile of boardshorts for his departure to Zanzibar november '08.
Shallow, knee-deep turquoise waters, perfect reef breaks, never ending white sandy beaches, the perfect place to teach, train and chill out. Paje on the south-east coast of Zanzibar has it all.
Every time we receive pictures from this kite paradise at the BG-office in cold and grey Alphen aan de Rijn, we ask ourselves where did we go wrong.

Nevertheless we thank teamrider Ruben and his brother Dim Versluis (owner of the Bellevue guesthouse and the kitesurfschool) for spreading the Body Glove feeling in these turquoise waters.
For more info: www.kitecentrezanzibar.com