Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The Body Glove trail across Europe and Morocco

This winter Kitesurfschool Best is cruising around Southern Europe and the coastline of Morocco to survive the cold winter in Holland and to have a nice surf of course! With their pimped out Body Glove camper they travelled through France and Spain, to eventually leave the European continent and end up in some warmer places like the north of Africa.
n their way to the south of Morocco, Dakhla, they are leaving Body Glove marks, aka the Body Glove stickers, everywhere they can. Actually they leave a true Body Glove trail! Nice work Kitesurfschool Best!
Next to the (kite)surf sessions, they arranged some local tv-channels to promote Body Glove on the Moroccan tv! Also Kitesurfschool Best is planning to visit some local schools to get in contact with the kids (who are not so fortunate) and convince them to go surfing in their spare time. Body Glove of course supports this mission and wish them all the luck. Keep up the good work!

Want to follow the Body Glove trail, please keep track of this blog, or otherwise go to tripsahara.blogspot.com.

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